Mel's Procrastination Palace
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Musta been the medicine talking
I managed to do it--get pathetically sick over the Memorial Day weekend. Sore throat, no voice, cough that sounded like vital organs would erupt.. you know the kind. Bleh. I couldn't concentrate to read (OMG!) and certainly not write. I even got whoozy looking at computer screen. Yeah. that sick!
But last night, after a double dose of antibiotics and some OTC superdeeduper flu/cold medicine, I sat down and said, I've left my characters in a very...questionable predicament. (Foreplay--yeah, mean ole Mel... I'll be lucky if these two talk to me after leaving them hot and bothered and...stuck for four days...)
Now, lemme fill you in on something. When I get to a good dialogue spot or a plot run where I'm confident about what's going on, I can whip out a few thousand words without realizing it. However, because I write romantica, I need to layer in hot sex with that dialogue and plot, and that's normally when the flying fingers come to a screeching halt.
Not last night. Call it doped up on medicine or simply too out of it to care, but I wrote a good chunk of a sex scene without stopping to analyze every single move, motivation and emotion. It flowed. (Literally) I can't say it's not complete junk, but when I was ready to call it quits for the night and hit word count, I went, "Holy Sh*t". At this rate, I won't be able to wrap this story up within the desired word count. Horny characters! *eyeroll*
But that--my inability to write *short* stories--is a whole 'nother blog topic.
Off to join the breakfast brigade to see what interesting convo we can delve into this morning!
Posted by Melani Blazer ::
8:00 AM ::
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