Monday, January 02, 2006
I'm sparing ya'll from the limericks today
Cuz I wanna dance around and shout: Samhain's Live, Samhain's Live....
and then demand that you get your tushies over there and BUYBUYBUYBUYBUYBUY those books.
Especially these two: (cuz they're my buds! --did ya hear the Pauly Shore voice? ergh, watched Encino Man this weekend.... *slurp @ Brendan Fraser *pant*)
OOps, bad me... I was pimpin' books, not slipping into fantasy land, my bad... (click the cover for buy link... wow, wasn't that nice of me?)
Now, you KNOW you need some kick ass reading material to get you through the beginning of the year. Don't make me come bite your ankles, dangit---BUY THESE BOOKS!
Posted by Melani Blazer ::
5:15 PM ::
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