Mel's Procrastination Palace
Friday, April 28, 2006
A pending review? coherts Jane and Jayne havea chosen several e-books to review on their blog. It says Melanie Blazer (darn that "E"... I know I should buy that domain name~!) and the book they'll review is "BLIND DATES" but I'm pretty sure the suggestion was made for them to review "BRAND NAME DATES".
We'll see what they think :)
The rest of the blogosphere has been complaining of the blahs. I'm gonna grab that cop-out--I've been writing and doing house stuff--all that spring cleaning--and the siding arrives on Tuesday so I know the next couple of weeks will be oh-so-much work.
Maybe I'll have a fun house-updating injury to report. *snicker*
Posted by Melani Blazer ::
8:26 AM ::
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